Friday, Saturday and Sunday
April 4 - 6, 2025
Friday: 2:30p-11:30p
Saturday: 9:00a-11:30p
Sunday: 10:30a-8:00p
Save the date! Add Marmalade Dog 27 to your calendar of choice:
Student Center
Western Michigan University
Kalamazoo, Michigan 49008-5348
Pathfinder Society & Starfinder Society: These events will be officially pre-registered for via the Warhorn button below.
Other Events: There is no pre-registration for other events at Marmalade Dog 27. Sign up sheets for each event will be available within the convention.
Parking is free except for Friday before 4:00p when it is $5.
Game Masters: If you registered to GM at least one event before February 1st you are eligible for free admission on the days you GM.
Players: See the general admission section:
Marmalade Dog takes place on the campus of Western Michigan University. As such, all relevant University policies will be enforced.
The WMGG may update this page with details as the convention draws near. Meanwhile: Please see the WMU COVID-19 information page linked below for the latest.
View and register for the three day track of Paizo Pathfinder Society and Starfinder Society events running at Marmalade Dog 27
Free for all convention attendees!
The Tesla II cockpits, featuring the BattleTech: Firestorm software, are fully enclosed military style simulators that feature 7 screens, over 90 control systems, and a 12 speaker surround sound system. When seated in the cockpit or 'pod', the player will pilot his or her own walking tank known as a BattleMech onto the virtual landscape to compete with those seated in the other cockpits for battlefield superiority.
The WMGG is always looking to add more events to the ever-growing list that will be at Marmalade Dog 27.
Anyone who registered to run at least one event before FEBRUARY 1st will receive:
You can modify or remove your events at any time by re-submitting them with new information. So register early and register often!
Free for WMU Students
Free for WMU Students
Free for WMU Students
Free for WMU Students